The Power of User-Generated Content: Turn Customers into Advocates

admin ~ Modified: August 13th, 2023 ~ Blogs, SMO Tips ~ 5 Minutes Reading

Do you know the power of user-generated content?

Be it via micro-influencers, customer advocates, or celebrity endorsers, user-generated content (UGC) forms the cornerstone of social media marketing strategies.

This comes as no shock. UGC is a powerful engagement tool, fostering a mutual connection. Brands showcase their offerings through fans’ organic endorsements, reciprocating with recognition, features, and potential follower growth. Particularly post-pandemic, UGC reshapes brand-consumer social interaction.

Our mission is clear: to assist you in transforming your customers into advocates via the power of user-generated content (UGC). Before delving into our detailed guide, let’s define UGC and the power of user-generated content.

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What Is User-Generated Content?

The power of user-generated content(UGC) encompasses unpaid or unsponsored social posts shared by individuals while using or praising a product or service. Examples include a friend’s Tweet about a memorable hotel stay, a brand reposting customer Instagram Stories from an event etc.


The true power of user-generated content treasure lies in how brands harness it. Despite its organic nature, the potential reach of sharing and resharing UGC extends significantly for both brands and consumers.

UGC isn’t solely about content directly featuring your product. It can also spotlight lifestyles or values that align with your brand identity and resonate with your audience.

What Not To Do With User-generated Content?

Exercise caution and refrain from using UGC without seeking permission. Regrettably, many brands utilize online-shared images without appropriately accrediting or formalizing an agreement with the content creator.

Cultivate a practice of proactive outreach – seek consent from users before sharing their content. Whether an informal snapshot or meticulously crafted creation, using content without permission undermines creators’ rights. Establishing trust fosters a mutually beneficial brand-consumer relationship.

Naturally, this doesn’t imply automatic payment for UGC. While rare, a creator might request compensation for their shared content. When uncertain, seek legal counsel before formalizing agreements. If unable to offer compensation, promptly remove published content and collaborate with those willing to share without formal payment.

Now, let’s explore our five-step guide to optimizing the power of user-generated content and  content strategy.

Step 1: Select the social media platforms that have the greatest impact on your campaign.

Understanding the online habitats of your audience and identifying the platforms where potential advocates hold substantial sway is crucial. While Instagram excels at visual content sharing, it’s essential to question whether it aligns with your target audience’s preferred network.

Deliberately choosing a platform and curating a social setting that goes beyond content delivery, allowing for meaningful interaction with your customers, becomes a differentiating factor and cultivates enduring connections.

Marketers should extend their focus beyond their existing social presence and prioritize engaging on platforms preferred by their consumers. For example, when asked about their primary platforms, most consumers consistently mention Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in descending order. Notably, Facebook is where a significant majority (78%) of consumers choose to follow brands.

Step 2: Define precise objectives for user-generated content

Similar to every facet of your content strategy, your user-generated content (UGC) plan necessitates well-defined objectives and guidelines for achieving success. While UGC often carries an informal and spontaneous tone, brands can harness its potential to constitute a substantial portion of their comprehensive business strategy.

Consequently, the brand formulated distinct objectives and incentive initiatives to sustain the influx of such content.

Step 3: Communicate to your audience the type of content you’re seeking.

A significant 50% of consumers express a desire for brands to provide direction on the kind of content they should generate and share.

Without directly encouraging your audience to engage in user-generated content, how can you expect them to be aware?

Whether you’re soliciting images or seeking customers’ insights, your supporters require clear instructions. Maintain transparency regarding brand guidelines and regulations for UGC.

Numerous methods exist to stimulate user-generated content—such as campaign hashtags and social media contests. A solitary hashtag can channel targeted enthusiasm and direct your audience to generate content that draws inspiration from your campaign.

Step 4: Foster Collaboration and Prioritize Community Engagement

User-generated content excels in its ability to ignite engagement and strengthen community bonds.

For consumers, being acknowledged or having their content reposted by a brand can deliver a delightful surprise. A study highlights that 51% of consumers are inclined to engage with and potentially make purchases from a brand that features their social posts in its marketing efforts.

These shares not only establish a connection between the brand and the customer but also introduce your audience to new individuals and content, thereby fostering the possibility of viral posts.

In the role of a community manager, you are tasked with crafting a distinct brand persona while also forging connections between customers and advocates. UGC serves as the adhesive that gathers fresh individuals for conversations, constructing bridges from these exchanges to the brand. Ultimately, this process cultivates credibility and, when executed effectively, guides users along the marketing funnel.

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Step 5: Evaluate and Gauge the Impact of Your User-Generated Content Initiatives

To conclude, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the power of user-generated content, measurement is essential. Irrespective of your objectives, establishing benchmarks is a vital requirement.

Research indicates that a significant 90% of marketers acknowledge the role of social data in maintaining a competitive edge, yet only 55% report utilizing social data to comprehend their target audience. This discovery underscores the pivotal significance of robust reporting within a UGC strategy.

Utilize social analytics tools to monitor your comprehensive interaction with UGC. Whether you’re active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram, these tools grant you access to comprehensive audience reports. These reports unveil the content that generates the highest levels of engagement and fosters growth across your profiles.


In summary, the power of user-generated content (UGC) stands as a cornerstone within social media marketing services. UGC not only sparks engagement but fortifies community bonds, showcasing the potential of organic endorsements.

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