8 Reasons You’re Not Getting Any Website Traffic (And How To Fix It)

admin ~ Published: June 8th, 2024 ~ SEO Tips ~ 7 Minutes Reading

Has your site not getting any website traffic? Well It’s not just you.

In the online world, getting people to your website or website traffic is very important to your success. Many businesses require help in attracting customers despite their best efforts. Assuming you’re scratching your head and asking why your site isn’t standing out it merits, you’ve come to the perfect blog.

One of the largest data companies in the search marketing industry, Ahrefs, recently discovered that 91% of online content does not receive any organic traffic from Google Search. Despite this, it does not imply that you have disappeared from sight. Normal dangers can keep your site from arriving at its maximum capacity.

We’ll learn about the reasons why you’re not getting any website traffic you want, as well as practical solutions to fix each issue.

Reasons For Not Getting Any Website Traffic & How to Fix It


1. Not Targeting The Relevant Keywords

Are you expressing yourself in the language of your target audience? Your website may get lost digitally if you do not target the proper keywords. Make a stride back and survey your keyword methodology.

Center around the terms your potential guests are looking for. SEMrush or Google Keyword Planner can help you locate niche-related keywords with a lot of traffic. The next step is to naturally include these keywords into the content of your website. 

How to fix it:

Consider your target audience. How would they search for your website using Google? Use keyword research devices to track down applicable keywords and incorporate them decisively into your site content. Stay away from keyword stuffing; go for the gold, language that reverberates with your ideal interest group.

2. Your Content is Not Relevant to Keywords

After doing the keyword research, next your content should be relevant to it. If it is not relevant, then it is a reason for not getting any website traffic. It resembles a wonderfully wrapped gift with nothing absent. Your crowd expects content connected with the keywords they used to track down you.

Ensure your content straightforwardly addresses themes and questions connected with your picked keywords. Audit your content completely and roll out any fundamental improvements to guarantee pertinence. Recollect that your content ought to add worth and answer your crowd’s inquiries.

How to fix it:

Consider the keywords you want to rank for in your content. Make sure that each piece of content answers questions or topics that are directly related to those keywords. In the event that there is a bungle, reconsider or make new satisfaction to line up with your keyword research. By providing the information that your target audience is looking for, this will both enhance the user experience and boost your rankings in search engines.

3. Targeting High-Competition Keywords

Next reason of not getting any website traffic is targeting the competitive keywords. Focusing on High-Competition Keywords can suffocate your site. Rather than focusing in on the most well known keywords, think about specialty explicit or long-tail keywords with less competition

Even though these keywords receive less traffic, they are more likely to appear higher in search results. Find alternative keywords that are still relevant to your target audience but have less competition by using keyword research tools. 

How to fix it:

Change your focus from keywords with a lot of competition to long-tail or niche-specific keywords with less competition. Make use of tools for keyword research to find alternative keywords that are related to your target audience but have fewer competitors.

4. Technical Errors on the Website

Are there technical issues on your website that put off potential customers? Users can be turned away from a website before they can even say “404 error” due to technical issues such as broken links or slow loading times.

Play out a careful review of your site to recognize and resolve any specialized issues. Make sure the site is mobile-responsive, speed up the page etc.

Also if you want more trust in your specialized capacities, consider recruiting an expert web designer. 

How to fix it:

You have to conduct a audit of your website to find technical issues like broken links, slow loading times, etc. Use apparatuses like Google Search Console to promptly screen mistakes and address them.

Advance your site’s exhibition by fixing broken links, enhancing page speed, and guaranteeing portable responsiveness.

Hire a professional web developer if you need more time to become familiar with technical tasks. You will have a better user experience and better chances of attracting and keeping visitors if you keep up a technically sound website.

5. Poor Website User Experience

Is your website frustrating and confusing visitors? A poor user experience can make them run before they can even tap”back button.” Is the navigation easy to follow? Is the content easy to find? Is the design visually appealing? Address any usability issues by simplifying navigation, simplifying content, and optimizing page layouts etc. 

How to fix it:

Assess your site according to the guest’s point of view and distinguish regions for development in route, content association, and plan. Work on route by lessening the quantity of snaps expected to find data and ensure content is effectively available. 

6. Missing Social Media Presence

Is your website similar to a party without invitations? If you are not on any social media platform then you are passing up an opportunity to interface with your crowd. With this, individuals won’t have the option to arrive at your website.

Fabricate a presence on significant web-based entertainment stages where your interest group invests their energy. Respond promptly to messages and comments from your followers to get engaged. 

How to fix it:

Construct a presence on important social media stages where your interest group is dynamic. Make an offer connecting with content that supports commitment and sharing. Draw in with your supporters by answering speedily to remarks and messages.

7. Low Quality Backlinks

Are your backlinks pulling your site down as opposed to lifting it up? Backlinks of a very low quality can lower your site’s credibility and rank lower in SERPs.. Eliminate these backlinks so they don’t subvert your Website design enhancement efforts. 

How to fix it:

Play out a careful backlink review to recognize bad quality links highlighting your site. To safeguard your website’s credibility and SEO rankings, remove those harmful backlinks. Center around building top notch backlinks from respectable and pertinent sites in your industry. 

8. If Your Website Hit by Google Penalty

Has Google penalized your website, resulting in a decline in its ranking in search engines? Your perceivability and traffic online can be extraordinarily impacted by Google penalties. Decide if your site got a manual or algorithmic punishment, like Panda or Penguin.

Learn about the factors that led to the penalty, such as keyword stuffing, etc. Clean up your website by getting rid of links and harmful content. Send in a request for a reconsideration if the penalty is manual. 

How to fix it:

Distinguish the kind of Google penalty influencing your site and the particular purposes for it. Address the issues that caused this, for example, bad quality content, unnatural connections or keyword stuffing. Clean up your website by removing harmful links and content that goes against Google’s guidelines. 


In conclusion, although manageable, a lack of website traffic can be intimidating. You can turn your website into a hive of online activity by addressing the eight common causes discussed in this blog. Check out all SEO Services at NMPI. You can achieve your traffic goals and maximize the potential of your website with dedication, persistence, and strategic implementation.

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