Top 4 Types of Email Marketing : Informative Guide

admin ~ Published: July 3rd, 2024 ~ Email Marketing ~ 6 Minutes Reading

Do you know about the types of email marketing campaigns?

We open our mobile phone or laptop daily and there we see a lot of emails. Many of these emails come from stores to which you forget to unsubscribe. Some of them are spam and some contain important information.

People receive a lot of emails daily, so if you send them your business email, then somewhere your email will not reach the people because they already have a lot of emails. Now it is important for you to create a high performing campaign when it comes to email marketing.

Email marketing is basically sending email campaigns to numerous recipients  through which you can promote your business or product services.

They may be receiving a lot of images on a daily basis but they may not even open them, so it is important for your email campaigns to be effective.

So for this, you have to create a high performing campaign. It is very important that you look for new and effective ways to promote your business. So if you have not given your campaign a chance yet, then you should give it a chance now.

Read more: Top 10 Email Marketing Trends for 2024

What are Email Marketing Campaigns?


Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy where we use emails to reach out to people with our business offerings and build a relationship with them.

So basically its purpose is to generate sales revenue through email communication. In email marketing, businesses create customized email marketing campaigns. There are various types of types of email marketing campaigns.

These customized email campaigns are basically created to target a specific subscriber list, for example, you can send promotional newsletters or product updates to customers who have just signed up or purchased something from you.

So businesses can acquire new email list contacts who are interested in their offerings so that they can expand their subscriber base. Every mail in email marketing involves  in creating compelling subject lines and content that matches the unique interest and need of the recipients. Also in this, calls to action buttons are also placed strategically so that one next click guides them so build business and increase your email

There are also some metrics here like open rates, click through rates on links and conversion rates that give you the desired outcome i.e. effectiveness of your email campaign.

4 Types of Email Marketing in Digital Marketing

There are basically 4 types of email marketing that we are going to discuss now. We will also learn about the types of email marketing campaigns. 

Newsletter Emails

  • Newsletter emails are regular emails sent to subscribers to keep them updated about our business.
  • Its goal is to build a relationship with your audience by sharing information, updates and news about our production services,
  • Their frequency can be weekly or monthly.

Promotional Emails

  • These emails are sent to promote specific products or services
  • Usually to drive sales participation or by offering special deals and discounts
  • These can be sent around special occasions or holidays.

Welcome Emails

  • These are the first emails that new subscribers receive when they sign up for your newsletter or create an account on your website.
  • Their purpose is to introduce your brand and set expectations.
  • Typically a welcome email is sent every time someone signs up.

Transactional Emails

  • These emails are automatically triggered by the user’s interaction with your website like making a purchase or signing up.
  • So the important purpose is that your users get important information regarding their transactions and they have all the details they need.
  • These are sent immediately when a transaction is done by the user.

Types of Email Marketing Campaigns

There are many marketing campaigns types or email marketing types that you can use to achieve your digital marketing objectives

1. Welcome Email

This is one of the types of email marketing campaigns that is the first official communication between a business and its new subscriber that is sent automatically and immediately when a user subscribes to your email list.

2. Set the Tone

Setting the tone is another types of email marketing campaigns. 

A welcome email is not just a standard message, but a chance to showcase your brand’s unique personality, which will leave a positive impression on your users. This is the first interaction of a new subscriber and you should always make it memorable.

3. Set Expectations

You have to send emails according to the expectations of your subscribers. You have to inform your new subscribers about what they are expecting from your emails, what you offer them, when they will accept them, and what type of content is included in them. You have to take care of all these things.

4. Encourage Engagement

Engagement is one of the types of email marketing campaigns. 

Welcome emails with high open rates are a perfect opportunity to drive action by introducing your brand. At this point, you should always promote your top performing content and highlight some popular products with your subscribers.

Always encourage your new subscribers to buy immediately so that your relationship is built well and your sales also increase.

5. Special Offer Email

Special offer email is a strong email marketing device that organizations use to offer exceptional arrangements, limits, etc. These types of email marketing drives sales and produce client fervor, which enhances your relationship . So basically, why are special offers so important?

So special offer emails serve a dual function, they drive sales; they encourage subscribers to make a purchase that they were considering but haven’t yet made; and secondly, they create goodwill and engagement with your brand. So through special offers, you can show your subscribers that you value them, which will improve customer retention and also increase brand loyalty.


We hope that you have learnt about the types of email marketing and its campaigns as well. Try to include these in your strategies to achieve great outcomes. If you are looking of email marketing services in Delhi than contact National Marketing Projects. We provide email marketing services at affordable price. You can contact us for all you digital marketing needs.


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